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quantum-cli Basics #

Install #

Download the quantum-cli binary for your system, or use the Docker image at

Configuration #

The user and password can either be given on the command line:

$ quantum-cli --user foo --password bar endpoints ls

or you can

  • set the QUANTUM_USER and QUANTUM_PASSWORD env variables
  • or create a ~/.config/quantum/env file:

Basics #

$ quantum-cli help # (and -h after a subcommand) shows a short usage help
$ quantum-cli selfupdate # will update to the latest version

$ quantum-cli endpoints ls # the command to try first, should show all
$                          # the nodes you have access to

$ quantum-cli stack ls --endpoint foo # all stacks on that endpoint

Creating/Updating stacks #

This is described in detail on its own page.

Just some additional notes: .quantum files can be validated by running:

$ quantum-cli validate
$ # or
$ quantum-cli validate --project /some/dir/

A debug log is also available:

$ DEBUG=1 quantum-cli ...commands as usual...

Docker Image #

We make a docker image containing quantum-cli available at

That image also contains some additional tools so you can use it directly even if you have build/publish steps:

  • docker (for docker build and docker login/docker push)
  • git
  • make, and jq

Example usage would be something like:

$ docker run -it --rm \
    quantum-cli endpoints ls